According to World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014, 97 countries and territories had ongoing malaria transmission with an estimated 3.3 billion people at risk of malaria, of which 1.2 billion are at high risk. Ninety percent of these malaria deaths occur in Africa. Several ongoing efforts such as donation of long-lasting insecticidal nets, indoor residual spraying, access to rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and quality assured Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies (ACTs) etc are being put in place to solve this world problem.
With regards to this efforts, the malaria-specific Millennium Development Goal (MDG 6 target C: to have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria) has already been met. In terms of country-level progress, a total of 64 countries are currently on track to reverse the incidence of malaria nationally by 2015. 55 of these countries are on track to meet the World Health Assembly and Roll Back Malaria Partnership target of reducing malaria incidence by 75 percent by 2015.
In view of helping achieve this target, Orbus Global Solutions Project Check Up was initiated. The objectives of this health project are: to create awareness on the causes, dangers and prevention of malaria, carryout malaria tests, donate insecticidal nets and malaria drugs. The two day project was carried out on Friday, April 24th and Saturday April 25th, 2015 at Odo Eran,itire ikate , and Oworosonki community respectively, both communities are situated in Lagos State.
At the end of this project over 500 people were tested in both communities, over 350 mosquito nets, and malaria drugs were donated. The project was a great success and the community members urged the organization and the government to strive to create similar initiatives.