Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is a human right and a prerequisite for fighting hunger and poverty. The acronym “WASH” was derived from Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, which is one of the priority sectors in social development.
According to UN-Water, 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion lack safely managed sanitation. Over 297,000 children under five die annually from diarrhoeal diseases because of inadequate WASH. Crises such as war and natural disasters, create and exacerbate large scale humanitarian needs related to WASH. In emergency situations, inadequate sanitation and poor water supply plus poor hygiene make communities more susceptible to diarrhea and other infectious diseases.
The core activity of WASH emphasizes the teaching of basic sanitation and hygiene to communities and school children as a necessary complement to the success of water and sanitation infrastructure projects. Clean water, better sanitation, teacher training, and hygiene education in schools can improve the health and education of children by creating a cycle of opportunity: improved education, increased school attendance, and improved academic performance.
Our time and exposure in the field have given us a real-life view of the problems which confront our subject communities on a daily basis, such as lack of, or difficult access to potable water, toilet & latrine systems, basic environmental hygiene, and personal cleanliness and practices. These problems are not limited to rural environments as they are equally present in school environments, including higher education institutions.
All these issues are interlinked and failure to address any particular issue is likely to have negative knock-on effects on the entire environmental effort. Naturally, a safe and clean environment automatically lends itself to the maintenance of a more conducive learning and working environment. Handwashing with soap is recognized as an easy, effective and affordable method to protect and prevent disease transmission and should be achievable, even in
emergency settings.
And so, we have set out to promote the importance of Handwashing with our WASH project called the O-WASH Campaign. The O-WASH Campaign is designed to help raise awareness about the importance of handwashing at key times in both homes and public settings. In light of the above discussion, the management of Orbus developed a Orbus WASH Manual.
ORBUS HEALTH MANUAL Is a simplified hygiene guide for children in schools and communities in Africa. This publication creates and promotes hygienic practices while providing useful and practical information on prevention of diseases associated with poor facilities and lack of hygienic practices. The main objective of this manual is to teach children in these schools and communities the connection between health and good hygiene practices and the importance of safe water practices and good hygiene so that they can become champions for social change and development in their various communities.
Lagos and Ogun States are intended to serve as joint pilot projects, with the project goal being to reach 15,000 children. It goes without saying that the success of the pilot projects, will eventually extend its appeal and application to other states in the Federation, touching the lives of a greater number of children, adults and their respective communities.
Accordingly, we intend to distribute free copies of this manual to students.
You can donate to the O-WASH project here.
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